Why the CW Flash is a fantastic piece of cinematography

Reasons why the CW Flash is not dog

March 1, 2022, 2:16 a.m. by Shady Meeks

Alright lemme start off by saying it's kinda dog. But much like Nick on any given day that ends in y, the show has it's high points! I will try to list several reasons why I believe the CW Flash ain't completely gutter worthy:

  1. The characters that Tom Cavanagh(Harrison Wells/HP Wells/ Sherloque Wells) plays in the CW are all vastly different, yet the same father figure character all the other supporting characters (Barry Allen, Iris West, etc.) need. He constantly pours out his wellussy into every single iteration of the character. He knows how to make them all different enough so that if multiple of his characters ever shared the screen at the same time, you can instantly tell which is which. He does such a flawless job as an actor in this show. 

  2. The women kinda got me bricked up when I watch.

And that concludes my list of why I believe the CW Flash isn't trash!

Shady Meeks

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