Yuumi is my least favorite character. When she is in a game of Summoners Rift it will be a certified snooze fest.
What beats enchanter supports?? How do you beat Soraka/Janna/Sona in lane when all they do is heal their ADC? You focus the enchanter. You blow that bitch up. NO questions asked.
Guess what bigdumbidiot rito does?? Gives an enchanter NO HITBOX. HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KILL HER.
when yuumi is on the screen all i want to do is kill her first. guess what the one thing that riot has prevented me from doing. Having fun. Thanks Mort
well thats okay just build fucking avarice blade and have a good time. not an option... there are no good times when yuumi makes it thru select.
Yuumi needs to be removed from the game. Bottom Line End Of Story.